Industrial Data Systems IDS 160 User Manual
Page 14

The baud rate and data format is set by the 8 position 'DIP' switch,
located behind the access panel at the back of the printer.
Select the baud rate and data format from the table below.
Dip Switch 1: on = RS232 Input off = not selected
Dip Switch 2: on = Current Loop Input off = not selected
Dip Switch 3: on = Even Parity off = Odd Parity
Dip Switch 4: on = Disable Parity off = Enable Parity
Dip Switch 5: on = 7 Data Bits off = 8 Data Bits
Dip Switches 6,7,8: Baud Rate Select
Baud Rate sw6 sw7 sw8 NOTE: Some dip
switches use the
300 off off on following labels:
600 off on off CLOSED = on
1200 off on on OPEN = off
2400 on off off
4800 on off on
9600 on on off