Industrial Data Systems IDS 410 User Manual
Page 21

IDS 410/422 User's Manual
Fill to Setpoint/Bulkweigh (Mode 7)
Clock Module required to back up setpoint
Press the TARE key, the display prompts “SEt Pt” use the tare key and + - keys to enter in the
setpoint value and press the Enter key (Print) to store it. Place an empty container on the scale.
Press the UNITS key to begin filling. TTL output 1 turns on until the weight on the scale is equal
or greater than the setpoint.
Connect TTL out put 1 to a relay to turn on motors, open and close gates, turn on and off flow
valves for automated filling or indication. TTL input 2 can be used as a remote start input, TTL
input 3 can be used as a remote finish input. Normally open momentary switch closure to ground
will activate the inputs.
Connect TTL output 1 to relay or lamp actuator.
TB4 - Pin 1 = TTL output 1 (active low) +5volts idle, 0 volts active.
TB3 - Pin 1 = +5 volts
Setup Parameters:
Parameter 43 Minimum scale weight to begin filling. Verifies that a container is
on the scale. Defaults to 0 = there is no minimum.
Parameter 44 Minimum fill amount. Defaults to 0. Set to some small value to
insure that a fill amount has been entered.
Parameter 45 Maximum fill amount. Default 5000. Maximum fill weight that will
ever be used.
Parameter 46 Scale empty weight. Default 50. Maximum weight to begin fill.
Verifies that an empty container is on the scale.
Operators Functions
Enter Setpoint
Press the TARE
key & + - keys to enter the setpoint then press the ENTER key (Print) to store.
Start fill operation
Place the container on the scale (if required). Press
UNITS key to begin fill operation.
Stop fill operations
Press the
Clear key to stop fill operation.
Print Results/Finish
Press the PRINT key to print the Gross, Tare, and Net results of the fill operation , page 1 is
printed if in gross mode and page 2 is printed if in net mode.
Error Codes
Error 30 = Scale not empty
Error 31 = Minimum weight error: container is not on scale
Error 32 = Tare weight error: tare function failed, scale not stable (motion)
Error 33 = Setpoint less than minimum setpoint amount
Error 34 = Setpoint more than maximum setpoint amount