Chapter 5 - setup, Scope, Saving to non-volatile ram – Hardy ANY-WEIGH Bench Scales User Manual

Page 23: Parameters, Chap

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Chapter 5 - Setup




All information contained in Chapter 5 pertains to
software or firmware settings or procedures to prepare
the DeviceNet Scale for calibration and operation.
Alternatives to these procedures either explicit or
implied, contained in this section are not recom-
mended. It is very important that the user and service
personnel be familiar with the procedures contained
in this chapter, before going through the setup proce-


The DeviceNet Scale is the only scale in the ANY-
WEIGH series of scales that requires a setup. The
Analog Scale requires calibration, please see Chapter
6 for the Analog Scale calibration procedures.

Saving to Non-Volatile

To save parameters to non-volatile RAM, set parame-
ter 38 (Save non-volatile command) to 1.
This request should be sent after changing any config-
uration parameter. It does NOT need to be sent after
altering a command parameters like TARE or ZERO.
It does not need to be sent after doing a calibration.
The necessary calibration data values are saved auto-
matically. However, if you change parameters used
during calibration, like “number of averages”, or



” for example, the SAVE request

should be sent BEFORE cycling the power.

The non-volatile RAM has a maximum of 5,000,000


Parameter 1 = Metric Poll
True = kgs net

False = lbs net

Length in Bytes = 1


Default settings are indicated by bold type.

Parameter 2 = WAVERSAVER



0 =OFF 1 = 4 Hz, 2 = 2Hz, 3 = 1.0 Hz, 4 = 1/2 Hz
Length in Bytes = 1