Aelivallng xm satellite nadla, Basle xmsatelfite radio operations, Basic xm satellite radio operations – Yamaha RX-V663 User Manual

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XM Satellite Radio tuning

Aelivallng XM Satellite nadla

Once you have installed the XM Mini-Tuner Dock,

inserted the XM Mini-Tuner, connected the XM Dock to

your XM Ready® home audio system, and installed the

antenna, you are ready to subscribe and begin receiving

XM programming. There are three places to find your

eight character XM Radio ID: On the XM Mini-Tuner, on

the XM Mini-Tuner package, and on XM Channel 0.

Record the XM Radio ID in the following eight squares

for reference.

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □


The XM Radio ID does not use the letters “I”, “O”, “S” or “F”.

Activate your XM Satellite Radio service in the U.S. online at or call 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800­

967-2346). Activate your XM Satellite Radio service in Canada

online at or call 1-877-GET-XMSR

(1-877-438-9677). You will need a major credit card. XM will

send a signal from the satellites to activate the full channel lineup.

Activation normally takes 10 to 15 minutes, but during peak busy

periods you may need to keep your XM Ready home audio

system on for up to an hour. When you can access the full lineup

on your XM Ready home audio system you are done.

Basle XMSatelfite Radio



Rotate the ©INPUT selector (or press

(DXM) to select “XM” as the input source.

The cursor on the left of the XM indicator lights up in

the front panel display and the XM Satellite Radio

information (such as channel number, channel name,

category, artist name, or song title) for the currently

selected channel appears in the front panel display.

Lights up



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When you select “XM” as the input source, this unit

automatically recalls the previously selected channel.

• The XM Satellite Radio signals cannot be output at the

AUDIO OUT (REC) jacks.

• If a status message or an error message appears in the front

panel display or in the OSD, see the “XM Satellite Radio”

section in “Troubleshooting” on page 110 for appropriate



Search for a channel by using one of the XM
Satellite Radio search modes.

• To select a channel from the all channel list, see

“All Channel Search mode” on page 59.

• To select a channel by category, see “Category

Search mode” on page 59.

• To select a channel from the preset channels, see

“Preset Search mode” on page 59.

• To select the desired channel directly by entering

the channel number, see “Direct number access

mode” on page 59.

• You can use the Neural Surround decoder to enjoy the XM HD

surround sound content of the XM Satellite Radio broadcasts in

multi-channels (see page 78).

• You can set the XM Satellite Radio preset channels (see

page 60).

• You can display the XM Satellite Radio information in the front

panel display or in the OSD (see page 61).

