How the fx550 works, T] function configuration, U] function configuration – Yamaha FX550 User Manual

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How the FX550 Works

[T] Function Configuration

FX550 functions are divided into three sections: Input control section, Effects section, and Out­
put control section. There are also three supporting sections: Operating section, Connecting sec­
tion, and Display section.
The Effects section, which applies various effects to the guitar sound, is composed of four
effects (COMP, DIST, EQ, Amp Simulator), and two Effects Sections (MOD and REV). The
MOD section contains 11 effects, and the REV section contains 5 effects. One effect from each
section can be selected at a time.


Configration of the Effects Section

D+R and D—>R, which are included in the five effects of the REV section, are both a combina­
tion of two effects (Delay and Reverb). Selecting D+R or D->R allows you to use seven effects
simultaneously on the FX550.


The FX550 can produce up to seven effects simultaneously. A set of effects that can be produced

simultaneously is called a program.

Preset Programs and User Programs

The FX550 has two types of programs: preset programs that have been already set in the factory,
and user programs that can be edited.
50 preset programs (program #1-50) cannot be erased or rewritten.
50 program numbers (51-99 and 00) are reserved for user programs.
All preset programs can be edited, and your new program (edited program) can be stored as a
user program.

Play Mode

The FX550 has three modes: 1 Play mode, 2 Edit mode, and 3 Utility mode.

Play mode:

This is the main mode of the FX550. It provides the effects for guitar performance.

Chapter 2 explains this mode.

Edit mode:

This is a sub-mode that supports Play mode. In this mode, you may edit and prepare

the programs to be used in Play mode. To “edit” means to change the effect parameter settings.

Utility mode:

This is also a sub-mode that supports Play mode. This mode allows you to specify

the settings for the operational controls, and supports portions of Edit mode, such as titling the
programs. Chapters 4 and 5 cover this mode.

Use the mode buttons to select modes. The unit is always set to Play mode when the power is
initially turned on.