Pridiom Solar Series Installation Manual User Manual
Page 15
Do not wear metallic rings, watchbands, ear, nose, lip rings or other metallic devices while
installing or troubleshooting photovoltaic systems.
Use only insulated tools that are approved for working on electrical installations.
Keep children well away from the system while transporting and installing mechanical and
electrical components.
Completely cover the module with an opaque material during installation to keep electricity from
being generated. Do not touch the components or the end of live wires. However, if
according to the local safety regulations, the
above requirement is unnecessary.
protections has been taken during the operation
Fi g.36
Fig .35
Fig.3 3
Solar modules produce electrical energy when light strikes on their front surface. The DC voltage
may exceed 30V. If modules are connected in series, the total voltage is equal to the sum of the
individual module voltages. If modules are connected in parallel, the total current is equal to the
sum of individual module currents.
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