Advisory – InnoMax Adjustable Bed Base User Manual
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PowerBASE™ Owners Manual 99300787-i
iMpOrTanT infOrMaTiOn
read THe fOllOwinG infOrMaTiOn Carefully BefOre usinG THis prOduCT
This PowerBASE™ adjustable bed has been quality engineered with design features to assure
comfort and safety when operated properly.
eleCTriCal GrOundinG
This product is equipped with a polarized or
grounded electrical power cord. The power
cord will only fit into a grounded, electrical
surge protection device (not included) or a
grounded electrical outlet.
fOr OpTiMuM adjusTaBle Bed
OperaTiOn, use a GrOunded,
eleCTriCal surGe prOTeCTiOn deviCe
(nOT inCluded). failure TO use a
surGe prOTeCTiOn deviCe COuld
COMprOMise safeTy Or Cause
prOduCT MalfunCTiOn.
warranTy warninG
Do not open any control boxes, motors or
hand control devices (with the exception
of the hand control and power down
box battery compartments). The product
warranty will be void if these components
are tampered with. Do not attempt to alter
component wiring or adjust or modify
the structure of the product in any way or
the warranty will be void. Any repair or
replacement of adjustable bed parts must be
performed by authorized personnel.
This product is designed to be maintenance
free. The lift motors are permanently
lubricated and sealed—no additional
lubrication is required. Do not apply lubricant
to lift motor lead screws or any nylon nuts or
the bed may inadvertently creep downward
from the elevated position.
prOduCT raTinGs
The bed lift motors are
not designed for
continuous use. Reliable operation and full
life expectancy will be realized as long as
the lift motors do not operate any more than
five (5) minutes over a thirty (30) minute
period, or approximately 15% duty cycle.
Note: massage equipped beds are not
designed for continuous, extended massage
operation. Massage systems are rated for
a maximum of 2 hours of use within any 6
hour period. Any attempt to circumvent or
exceed product ratings will shorten the life
expectancy of the product and may void the
The recommended weight restrictions for
PowerBASE™ adjustable beds are as follows:
AC equipped - 600 lb (272 kg) all sizes; DC
equipped - 450 lb (204 kg) all sizes. The bed
will structurally support the recommended
weights distributed evenly across the
head and foot sections. This product is not
designed to support or lift this amount in the
head or foot sections alone.
Note: exceeding
the recommended weight restrictions could
damage the adjustable bed and void the
For best performance, consumers should
enter and exit the adjustable bed with the
bed in the flat (horizontal) position.
dO nOT
siT On THe Head Or fOOT seCTiOns wHile
in THe raised pOsiTiOn.
UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listed
CFR 1633 approved for use with most
Made in USA.