Turnbuckle adjustment – InnoMax Adjustable Bed Base User Manual
Page 16
PowerBASE™ Owners Manual 99300787-i
sTep 1
On one side of bed base, loosen jam nut on board end
of turnbuckle assembly using a ½” wrench (fiGure 2).
Threads are right-hand threads. Repeat on other side of
bed base.
sTep 2
On one side of bed base, loosen jam nut on carriage end of
turnbuckle assembly with ½” wrench (fiGure 3). Threads
are left-hand threads. Repeat on other side of bed base.
sTep 3
After loosening both jam nuts, grasp and rotate the body
of the turnbuckle on one side of the bed base (fiGure 4).
The foot of the bed base will rise and flatten out. Repeat on
other side until bed base is completely level.
sTep 4
After adjustments have been made, check the levelness of
the bed base using a straight-edge instrument (fiGure 5).
sTep 5
When level, tighten all jam nuts in assembly with ½“
wrench (fiGure 6). Hold the body of the turnbuckle
assembly while tightening to ensure base remains level.
Jam nuts need to be tight enough to prevent movement in
Turnbuckle adjustment is complete.
TurnBuCkle adjusTMenT
If the foot end of the bed base becomes unlevel (fiGure 1), adjust by following the
numbered instructions below.
fiGure 1
fiGure 2
fiGure 4
fiGure 6
fiGure 5
fiGure 3
fOOT end Of Bed unlevel
jaM nuT - BOard
end Of asseMBly
jaM nuT - CarriaGe
end Of asseMBly
rOTaTe BOdy Of
TurnBuCkle unTil
Bed Base flaTTens
use sTraiGHT-edGe TO
CHeCk levelness
wHen level,
TiGHTen all
jaM nuTs