Pathport manager user’s guide – Pathway Pathport Manager 3 User Guide User Manual
Page 59

Pathport Manager
User’s Guide
All Backlights ON / OFF:
This button allows for the quick turning on and off of all of the Pathport
backlights. This button toggles the backlights on and off. Note: this does
change the status of the backlight in your show file.
Show Mode:
This button toggles show mode on and off. Show mode is a mode that turns off
the backlights of all Pathports in the show, and disables all drag and drop
patching, as well as changing of show status. This will also activate any
reporting and analysis plugins installed.
Clear all Patches:
This button clears all Universe assignments for all output ports. Note: It does
not clear any universe channel patches. All universes are left intact.
Default all Patches:
The pathports are capable of a "quick patch" mode that is ideal for smaller
systems running 1 or 2 DMX universes. This button patches port A on all input
Pathports to port A on all output Pathports, and does the same for port B. The
first active DMX source connected to any input port is instantly routed to all
corresponding output ports. All other DMX sources are ignored until that first
source is disconnected or made inactive. The default patch works on an 8 way
priority basis according to the order in which active sources of DMX are
connected to the system.
Synch Show Nodes to Network:
This command queries the network for any nodes that are present in the show,
and synchronizes all parameters to those stored in the Pathports.
Synch selected node to show:
This copies all configuration information from the show file on the PC for the
selected Pathport, to the selected Pathport.
Create Offline Pathport:
This creates a Pathport in the show tree while not connected to the network.
This allows for the complete configuration of all parameters for assignment to an
online unit at a later time.