INSTEON 75791 Manual User Manual

Page 31

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INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camera


FTP server: Set up FTP Server to work with your camera (see topmost image). If you have a
FTP server that can be accessed on the internet (see above image).
FTP Port: Usually port 21
FTP Upload Folder: Make sure the folder in which you plan to store images exists and is
erasable. The camera will not automatically create a folder.
FTP Mode: Supports standard (POST) mode and passive (PASV) mode
Upload Image Now: Uploads images when you enable the checkbox
Upload Interval: Refers to the time between the current image and the next image
Enable Set Filename: Set a name for the uploaded image when you enable the checkbox. If
you select it, the uploaded image will be named after the filename you set. The next image will
cover the last image and the FTP upload folder will only have one uploaded image named after
the filename you set.
Filename: Fill in a name for the uploaded image file. This name is different from the alarm image.
You cannot change the name of the alarm image.