GxT Ferret 928 Amps Probe Kit User Manual

GxT Equipment

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Amps Probe Kit 928


Measures Amperage Draw
from 10 milliamps to 600

Low Amps Probe mea sures
from 10 milliamps to 20
amps AC or DC.

High Amps Probe mea sures
from 1 amp to 600 Amps AC
or DC.

Connects to any Digital
Multimeter w/Banana Jacks
and a millivolt scale.

Connects to any Graphing
Multimeter or Labscope
w/Banana Jacks or BNC

Powered by a 9 Volt battery.

3 Year Limited Warranty

The Amps Probe Kit contains a Low Amps

Probe, a High Amps probe, an interface

module, a BNC to Banana adapter, and a

storage pouch.

To Measure Low Amps with a DMM

1. Connect the Low Amps Probe to the

in ter face module.

2. Connect the interface module to the

multimeter’s banana jacks.

3. Select the millivolts range.

4. Close the Jaws on the Low Amps Probe

and zero the reading on the DMM by

adjusting the zero knob on the interface


5. Clamp the Low Amps Probe around

the circuit you want to test. 1 Millivolt

equals 10 Milliamps. A reading on the

Mul ti m e ter of 34.4 Millivolts means you

are mea sur ing 344 Milliamps.

To Measure High Amps with a DMM

1. Connect the High Amps Probe to the

in ter face module.

2. Connect the interface module to the

multimeter’s banana jacks

3. Select the millivolts range.

4. Zero the reading on the DMM by

adjusting the zero knob on the interface


5. Clamp the High Amps Probe around the

circuit you want to test. 1 Millivolt equals

1 Amp. A reading on the Mul ti m e ter of

123 Millivolts means you are mea sur ing

123 amps.

For additional information or technical

assistance, please contact Ferret

Instruments at (800) 627-5655 or

To View Waveforms on a Lab Scope

1. Connect the Low or High Amps Probe

to the in ter face module.

2. Connect the interface module to one

of the LabScope’s Channels. Use the

BNC or Banana Adapter as needed.

3. Select a volts per division and a time

base that will allow you to see the

waveform of the circuit under test.

4. Make sure the jaws are closed on the

Amp Probe and zero the trace on the

LabScope by adjusting the zero knob

on the interface module.

5. Clamp the Amps Probe around the

circuit you want to test and view the


Other Instructions

The interface module has two power

options. The fi rst time you press the power

button the LED will fl ash indicating the unit

will stay on until the battery is dead.

The second time you press the power

button, the LED will stay on indicating

the unit will automatically power down in

5 minutes.

The third time you press the power button

the unit will turn off.