GxT V082-01, Ferret Advance Timing Light User Manual

Ferret 82, Get a molded black plastic storage case for $12.00, Advance tim ing light eluminator™ optics

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Get a Molded Black Plastic

Storage Case for $12.00

Send this coupon along with: the UPC code, a copy of
your re ceipt, the serial number of the timing light, and
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the right. A Storage case will be shipped promptly via
the United States Postal System. Offer good only in the
United States. Allow 4 weeks for delivery.


The RED clip connects to the POS terminal on a 12 volt battery.

The BLACK clip connects to the NEG battery terminal. The pow er

should be at least 10 volts, and not over 16 volts, to assure re-

li able op er a tion. Current draw is 0.2 amp without the fl ash, and

about 0.5 amp while fl ashing at 1800 RPM. Strobe fl ash intensity

is reg u lat ed and is not affected by voltage. The light will not be

harmed if the leads are con nect ed incorrectly.


Latch the pickup around the reference spark plug wire (usually

#1) so that spark current impulses are detected. The best pickup

ar range ment is next to the dis trib u tor with the label facing toward

the spark plug end. This pro vides the cleanest signal and keeps

the pickup away from the hot exhaust man i fold.

Leave the Pickup Latch Open when not in use.

The magnetic cores are made of ferrite ceramic and, when kept

apart, they are less likely to break if the pickup is dropped.


When cleaning the timing light, use a cloth dampened with

waterless hand cleaner. DO NOT use solvents such as acetone

and benzene, which can be absorbed by and damage plastics.

Promptly remove pen e trat ing oils, gas o line, and battery acid.

For repair service or support, contact Ferret In stru ments, Inc.

at (800) 627-5655, or (231) 627-5664, 1310 Higgins Drive,

Che boyg an, MI 49721

Ferret 82

Advance Tim ing Light

Eluminator™ Optics

5 Times the brightness

of ordinary Timing Lights

Durable Spark Pickup

Glass Reinforced Plastic resists heat and

protects you from electrical shock

Dial Advance to 60°

Calibrated Dial assures accuracy

2 Cycle/4 Cycle

Dial label shows 2 cycle & 4 cycle degrees

Durable ABS Housing

Protects the timing light from accidents

Designed for the Pro

Stands up to repeated use

Tech Support Hotline

(800) 627-5655

2 Year Limited Warranty

GxT, Inc.

520 MM Riggs Road

Cheboygan, MI 49721

(800) 627-5655

Fax (231) 627-2727

Spark Pickup

Connect to Bat-

tey for Power

Turn Dial to

Measure Advance

Measure Advance