GxT V963-01, C.O.P. Primary Adapter, 10 Cyl User Manual
Labscope cop/fi adapter

LabScope COP/FI Adapter
The Ferret 963 will adapt most dual channel labscopes to
read parade patterns of coil on plug ignitions or fuel injector
waveforms. The quality of the waveform pattern is depen-
dant on the sampling subsystem of the labsope.
The 963 is powered by the vehicle’s 12 volt battery. Three
banana jack outputs provide ground, signal and sync sig-
nals to a labscope. Voltage test leads connect to each coil
on plug coil or fuel injector.
Connecting to a Labscope
Connect the power leads to the vehicle’s 12 volt battery.
Connect the Ground output on the 963 to the ground input
on the labscope. Connect the Sync output on the 963 to
channel one of the labscope. Connect the Signal output on
the 963 to channel two of the labscope.
Connecting to a Coil on Plug Module
Plug a test lead into the banana jack port labeled Sync on
the 963 to the Coil or Fuel Injector that you want to use as a
Cylinder #1 reference. Use the included back probe leads
to connect to the coil negative wire on the coil, or the trig-
ger wire for the fuel injector. Continue connecting voltage
test leads to coils or injectors until you have connected to
all cylinders you want to test.
Configuring the Scope
Set your time base to approximately 20 milliseconds. Set
channel 1 and channel 2 voltage to approximately 10 volts.
It would be best to have each channel on a different part of
the screen.
Adjusting the Trigger
Adjust the voltage level and trigger slope of channel one to
stabilize the trigger of the pattern. Please note the trigger
pattern is intended to be a spike or hump, it will not resem-
ble the waveform being tested.
Fine Tuning the Pattern
Adjust the timebase and voltage of channel two to enhance
the waveform for easier viewing. The photos on the right
show the 963 used to adapt a Ferret 93 scope to read igni-
tion patterns on a Ford Multistrike COP system. The screen
on teh far right shows all coils on the screen at one time,
and the other screen has the time base changed to show
only one cylinder.
Parts & Accessories
Black Test Lead .................................... S011-90
Red Test Lead ...................................... S011-92
Blue Test Lead ...................................... S011-96
Back Probe Kit ..................................... V912-01