GxT V084-01, Ferret 84 Digital Timing Light User Manual
Safety precautions, Digital tach-advance timing light 84

In duc tive
—Read All Instructions Before Using The An a lyz er—
Always wear eye protection when testing ve hi cles. Be extra care ful
near batteries and moving parts. Do not lay tools on a battery.
Battery gas is highly explosive.
If a battery explodes fl ush the acid away from skin with generous
amounts of water. Follow up with a neutralizing so lu tion of baking
soda and then more water.
Never use a wrench on the ungrounded battery terminal until
the grounded one has been disconnected. Contact between the
ve hi cle body metal and the hot terminal can cause sparks to ignite
gas or even weld tools into a battery short circuit.
Keep the space around a battery well ventilated.
Do not make sparks or allow fl ames near batteries.
Before working on a vehicle set the brakes and block the wheels.
Beware of automatic parking brake releases.
Keep your work area well ventilated and free of exhaust.
Avoid electrical shocks caused by getting close to live ignition wires
or touching the coil TACH terminal. A person's reaction near a
live engine can be more dam ag ing than the shock.
Keep spark producing devices at least 0.5m (18") above the fl oor
to reduce the hazard of igniting gasoline vapor.
Do not let test leads wind up in a moving fan or pulley. Route
leads away.
Remove fi nger rings and metal wrist bands. They can short
ter mi nals and become very hot from electric current.
Digital Tach-Advance Timing