Dual trace labscope, Fluke 97, 97/auto, Kalscope 565a, tekmeter – GxT Ferret 950 KV Adapter User Manual

Page 2: Snap-on vantage, Otc vision, matco insight, interro pda, Otc perception

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Dual Trace LabScope

The Ferret 950 will work with any dual trace labscope. The instructions below will give you
the steps necessary to get a basic ignition waveform on the screen. Use of other features
specific to your labscope may enhance the display of the pattern.

1. Connect the Ferret 951 Cylinder #1 Trigger to Channel 1, and Cylinder #1.

2. Set Channel 1 to the following parameters: DC Coupled, 0 to 5 volt range, time base of about


3. Set Channel 1 to be the trigger with a positive slope. The trigger level should be about 4 volts.

4. Connect the Ferret 950 to Channel 2.

5. Set Channel 2 to the following parameters: DC Coupled, 0 to 1 volt range, time base same as

Channel 1.

6. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground, and connect the KV Clips

to each of the DIS spark plug wires only. Do not plug the KV Leads into the Ferret 950.

7. Start the engine. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the labscope display shows an

inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead into
the other color connector. Continue until
all KV leads are plugged in.

At this point, you may use the features of
the scope to display and analyze the
ignition waveform. Some scopes will allow
you to turn off Channel 1 but still trigger
on Channel 1.

Fluke 97, 97/Auto

1. Connect the Ferret 950 to Channel A of the 97, 97/Auto. Set

Channel A to DC Coupling, 2 Volt Range, 20 ms/Div.

2. Connect the Ferret 951 or Fluke RPM80 to Input 2 of the 97, 97/

Auto, and Cylinder #1. You can also plug into the external trigger
port on the 97, 97/Auto as well. Set Channel B to DC Coupling,
50 Volt Range.

3. Set the trigger level at about 8 volts with a positive slope.

4. Connect the KV Clips to each of the DIS sparkplug wires only.

Do not plug the KV Leads into the Ferret 950. Connect the
Ground lead on the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground.

5. Start the engine. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the

labscope display shows an inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead
into the other color connector. Continue until all KV Leads are
plugged in.

The screens show what a 6 cylinder DIS engine looks like on the
Fluke 97. At this point, you may use the features of the scope to
display and analyze the ignition waveform. The screens to the left
show what the ignition waveform looks like when Channel B is turned off and the Min/Max
feature is activated for Channel A.

Fluke 98, 98-2

1. Connect the Ferret 950 to Input 1 on the 98 / 98-2.

2. Connect the Fluke RPM90 to the trigger input on the Fluke 98 /

98-2, and to Cylinder #1.

3. Use the Vehicle Data function on the Fluke 98 / 98-2 to select

the proper number of cylinders. Regardless of the ignition type,
select Conventional Ignition.

4. Connect the KV Clips to each of the DIS sparkplug wires only.

Do not plug the KV Leads into the Ferret 950. Connect the Ground
lead on the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground.

5. Start the engine, and select the RPM function on the Fluke 98/

98-2. Make sure the RPM reading is stable. Do not be concerned
with the actual RPM reading. If the RPM reading is not stable,
move the RPM90 up and down the sparkplug wire, or flip the
pickup over.

6. Once the RPM reading is stable, select the Ignition Secondary


7. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the labscope display shows

an inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead into the other color
connector. Continue until all KV leads are plugged in.

The screen above shows what a 6 cylinder DIS engine looks like
on the Fluke 98-2. At this point, you may take advantage of all of
the features of the Fluke 98 / 98-2 to display and analyze the
ignition waveform.

KalScope 565A, TekMeter

1. Connect the scope’s Cylinder #1 trigger to

Channel 1 input and then to Cylinder #1
spark plug wire.

2. Connect the Ferret 950 to Channel 2 of the

scope using the BNC to Banana Adapter.

3. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950

to a good engine ground, and connect the
KV Clips to each of the DIS sparkplug wires
only. Do not plug the KV Leads into the Ferret 950. Start the Engine.

4. Turn the scope on and configure Channel 1 to the following parameters: 5 volt range, DC

Coupled, Spike Detect on, Trigger set to Channel 1 with a positive slope. Set the trigger level
so it resembles the screen above. Turn Channel 1 off.

5. Turn on Channel 2 and set to the following

parameters: 200mv range, DC Coupled,
Spike Detect on, and a 20 millisecond
time base.

6. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the

labscope display shows an inverted firing
peak, plug the KV Lead into the other color
connector. Continue until all KV Leads
are connected.

The screen below shows what a 6 cylinder DIS engine looks like on the KalScope 565A or
TekMeter. At this point, you may use all of the features of the scope to display and analyze
the ignition waveform.

KalScope 575, Mac Tools 2020, 2020-2

If you have any problems viewing an ignition pattern, set up the Ferret 950 and the labscope
using the instructions found on the previous page to aid in trouble shooting.

1. From the menu, select

Follow the instructions on the screen.
Consider the Ferret 950 to be the
capacitive pickup. No matter what type of
ignition system you are testing, leave the
scope configured for a 4 stroke engine.

2. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950

to a good engine ground, and connect the KV Clips to each of the DIS sparkplug wires.

3. Plug the KV Leads to the Ferret 950 in pairs, one coil at a time. Plug one KV Lead to a Blue

connector, and the other KV Lead to a Red connector. Continue until all KV Leads have been
plugged into the Ferret 950.

4. Start the engine, and adjust the scale of the display until a clear pattern is displayed. If the spikes

appear upside down on any pair of the cylinders, swap the KV Clips at the ignition coils, or the KV
Leads at the Ferret 950.

Snap-On Vantage

1. Connect the Ferret 951 Cylinder #1 Trigger (Required) to Channel 1

using the BNC to Banana adapter.

2. Connect the Ferret 950 to Channel 1 using the BNC to Banana

Adapter. You will need to piggyback or stack both Channel 1 and the
Common jack.

3. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground,

and connect the KV Clips to each of the DIS sparkplug wires only.
Do not plug the KV Leads into the Ferret 950.

4. Turn the Vantage on and select the Waveform Viewer. Select the

Ground Controlled Injector option.

5. Configure the display to the following parameters: 1 Volt Max Range,

-1 Volt Min. Range, + Slope, 200 ms.

6. Start the Engine. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the labscope

display shows an inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead into the
other color connector. Continue until all KV leads are plugged in. A
typical Double Output DIS system, you will have half of the connectors
plugged into the Red side of the Ferret 950, and the other half plugged
into the Blue side.

7. Since the Trigger is on the same channel as the Ferret 950, Cylinder

#1 will have a very high spike. Set the trigger to pickup just the top
portion of the spike. This will synchronize the display to #1 Cylinder.
To analyze Cylinder #1, move the Ferret 951 to another cylinder.

Sun LS/2000, UEI ADL 7100

1. The Sun LS/2000 and UEI ADL 7100 require the Ferret 951

Cylinder #1 Trigger to operate properly.

2. Connect the Ferret 951 Cylinder #1 Trigger to Channel 1

using the BNC to Banana adapter, then to Cylinder #1.

3. Connect the Ferret 950 to Channel 2 using the BNC to

Banana Adapter. You will need to piggyback or stack the
Common jack.

4. Turn the Scope on and Set Channel 1 to the 10 volt range,

DC Coupling with the trigger level at about 8 volts with a positive slope. Use the position
controls to move channel one up to the top half of the display.

5. Turn on Channel 2 and set to the .5 volt range, DC Coupling. The Time base should be at 20


6. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground, and connect the KV Clips

to each of the DIS sparkplug wires only. Do not plug the KV Leads into the Ferret 950.

5. Start the engine. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the labscope display shows an

inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead into the other color connector. Continue until all KV
leads are plugged in.

OTC Vision, Matco Insight, Interro PDA

1. The Ferret 950 works with the Labscope DMM module. Some

configurations of these units have a Cylinder #1 Trigger, others do
not. The following directions assume the use of a Ferret 951 Cylinder
#1 Trigger.

2. Connect the Ferret 951 Cylinder #1 Trigger to the Red channel,

and then to #1 Sparkplug wire.

3. Connect the Ferret 950 to the Green channel.

4. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground,

and connect the KV Clips to each of the DIS sparkplug wire only.
Do not plug the KV Leads to the Ferret 950.

5. Turn the Scope on and set the Red and Green channels to the

following parameters: ±0.5 volts with a time base of 50ms.

6. Start the engine and adjust the trigger point until it is placed on

leading edge of the Red Channel signal. Select a positive slope for
the trigger.

7. Start the engine. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the labscope

display shows an inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead into the
other color connector. Continue until all KV leads are plugged in.

OTC Perception

1. This Labscope requires the use of the Ferret 951 Cylinder #1 Trigger.

2. Connect the Ferret 951 Cylinder #1 Trigger to Channel 1 using the BNC to Banana Jack

Adapter. Then connect the 951 to #1 Sparkplug wire.

3. Connect the Ferret 950 to Channel #2 using the BNC to Banana Jack Adapter. You will need

to stack the common jack on top of the Ferret 951 Common Jack.

4. Connect the Ground lead of the Ferret 950 to a good engine ground, and connect the KV Clips

to each of the DIS sparkplug wire only. Do not plug the KV Leads to the Ferret 950.

5. Turn the Scope on and select the Single Display Mode.

6. Select Channel 2 to be displayed, and make sure the display is triggered. Please note that

tthis Labscope always triggers on Channel 1. The purpose of this setup is to trigger on Channel
1 while displaying Channel 2.

7. Start the engine. Plug a KV Lead into the Ferret 950. If the labscope display shows an

inverted firing peak, plug the KV Lead into the other color connector. Continue until all KV
leads are plugged in.