QTech Data Systems DNP3 RTU User Manual

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DATRAN XL4 RTU – Owners Manual – v1.1 June 2012

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Configuring the XL4 RTU
Using the USB cable, connect the Laptop to the XL4 RTU’s CNFG port.
Run the “QTech Workbench” software and choose “XL4 RTU” device type before clicking “connect” button. Ensure
that comms status is reported as “Online” before continuing.
Load the previously saved configuration into the XL4 RTU by first selecting Open from the File menu then navigate
to the .Q22 configuration file and then pressing the Open button. Then upload the file to the RTU.

Open Configuration

Checking the Correct Configuration is Retained

1) Click the “Disconnect” button in “QTech Workbench”.
2) Cycle the power to the XL4 RTU.
3) Click the “Connect” button in “QTech Workbench”.
4) Download the configuration from the device, by clicking the “Read from Device” button.
5) Ensure the RTU Address and other configuration items are correctly presented.

DATRAN VI Base Station Software
The minimum recommended version of DATRAN VI base station SCADA software is v6.66 Service Pack 2.
However, significant improvements have been made to the RTU Data Logging functionality. To achieve RTU data
logging with an XL4 RTU, the minimum version of DATRAN VI is v6.68.