Caveats resolved in release 4.0.3 – ISEKI CISCO SYSTEMS OL-5450-10 User Manual
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Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.3
Using Windows NT 4.0, SP 6, and Windows XP Home, the VPN Clients CLI
cannot start a third-party dial-up program when a connection profile is
configured to do so. The following error appears: “The third-party dial-up
program could not be started.”
When attempting to connect with the Linux VPN Client, the VPN Client fails
if the interface routing to the concentrator is down, because the client cannot
bind to it. This could happen if the Ethernet cable is unplugged. This problem
does not occur with the Linux VPN Client, Release 4.0.3 or higher.
VPN Client, Release 4.0.3, cannot connect to a VPN Server. The following
error messages appear on the VPN client logs:
API Failure - Function call ControlService returned 1062
Failed to active IPSec SA: Unable to enable Virtual Adapter
Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.3
Release 4.0.3 resolves the following issues:
Windows VPN Client (version 4.x) fails to connect to a VPN 3000 Series
Concentrator from a Windows Terminal Services Connection. This was
possible with earlier 3.6.x versions. The problem occurs when a user connects
to a Windows 2000 server running terminal services and from the terminal
services session launches the VPN Client to connect to a VPN 3000
Concentrator (configured to do split tunneling). With versions4.x using the
new Virtual Adapter, this is not possible; however, it was possible with
versions 3.6.x.
When using the VPN Client, Release 3.6.2B on Windows XP PCs, if “register
this address to DNS” was not Checked on a PPP adapter side, Split-DNS
behavior differs.
If checked, Split-DNS behaves normally.