ISEKI CISCO SYSTEMS OL-5450-10 User Manual
Page 54

Open Caveats
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
Step 5
When the PC boots back up, the client will launch normally.
The following Notification might occur if the Cisco Systems Integrated
Client is required to make a connection:
“The Client did not match the firewall configured on the central site VPN
device. Cisco Systems Integrated Client should be enabled or installed on
your computer.”
When this occurs, the connection is not allowed. If this Notification appears,
click Close and attempt to reconnect. If this second attempt to connect fails,
reboot the PC. The connection should succeed at this point.
This problem has two facets. You cannot select text from the VPN Client log
tab, and trying to save the VPN Client log results in an empty (zero byte) file.
This problem might occur if the VPN Client logging has been enabled,
disabled, or cleared.
If the all or part of the log must saved, you can select the text with the mouse
or by using CTRL+A, and then copy it using CTRL+C. You can then paste it
as usual using CTRL+V in Notepad or your favorite editor.
As an alternative, the VPN Client log files are saved to the directory
c:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\Logs by default and can be
opened and viewed using a text editor and saved as a different name if needed.
After the user enters the username and password, the VPN Client machine
might go blank for a moment and then continue. This behavior has not shown
any negative effect on the tunnel connection or the user's ability to use the PC.
The VPN Client does not put any limit to the number of log files that are saved
in the \VPN Client\Logs directory. Users must manually delete these files to
remove all or some of them.