ISEKI CISCO SYSTEMS OL-5450-10 User Manual
Page 64

Caveats Resolved in Release 4.0.4.D
Release Notes for VPN Client, Release 4.0 through Release 4.0.5.D
With this change, ALL interface networks will be excluded so that the user
will be able to access their home network over Ethernet while connected to
the tunnel over PPP. Should they have two Ethernets, the same would apply.
Prior to this change, the admin would have to push individual networks along
with the wildcard to support home networks with more than one interface.
Access to overlapping subnet over tunnel fails - supernet mask:
Split tunneling from network X.X.14.0/23 ( and tunneling in
to a Concentrator that assigns a Y.Y.A.B address and includes X.X.0.0/16
( in the split tunneling list. With all versions of the client prior
to 4.x on Windows, the customer could access the X.X.14.0/23 network
across the tunnel, this no longer works with 4.x and the virtual adapter.
The issue appears to be that when the concentrator passes down the less
specific mask, the routing table entry for the specific mask (X.X.14.0/23) is
not modified, so it is always preferred.
The client should be looking at the routing table and adding more specific
metric routes for any specific masks covered under a split tunneling list when
a user connects/disconnects.
If the customer changes the split tunneling list specifically to X.X.14.0/23,
then this network is accessible via the tunnel, however, this does not work for
production since all networks under X.X.0.0/16 must go through the tunnel.
Cisco Systems VPN adapter not removed after upgrading VPN Client.
When the Windows 2000 VPN Client is updated with an installation of VPN
Client Release 4.0.4, problems can occur if the InstallShield installation
method is chosen.
During the installation process, the old version is automatically uninstalled
prior to installation of the new version. However, sometimes the prior "Cisco
Systems VPN adapter" does not get uninstalled, and Release 4.0.4 installs a
second "Cisco Systems VPN adapter."
This can lead to mysterious failed connection attempts to the VPN
If the VPN Client Release 4.0.4 is installed a second time, the duplicate
"Cisco Systems VPN adapter" is gone.