Vi.7.6 configuration → language, Vi.7.7 configuration → service, service 2, Vi.8 serial data transfer via interface rs232 – IBM R/S Rheometer M/02-212 User Manual
Page 47

Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 47
• Stopbits
[Bit]: 1 or 2
Choose the requested parameter from the list of available values and select it by pressing key.
Example Baudrate:
After selecting all parameters, new setting of communication parameters is displayed:
with key you transfer this parameters to nonvolatile memory of R/S Rheometer.
These changed transfer settings will be saved into memory and will remain in the memory also after
switching off the instrument.
VI.7.6 Configuration
→ Language
This function selects the user-language of R/S Rheometer. Languages available are:
• English
• German
Choose desired language and press .
VI.7.7 Configuration
→ Service, Service 2
This function is only for service-personnel. Password protected!
VI.8 Serial Data transfer via Interface RS232
Serial data transfer has to be used only in the case, when a user has basics of knowledge on data
processing and is capable to change data transfer parameters of sending and receiving sides, by
Successful data transfer can be achieved only in the case, when a transmitter (=R/S Rheometer) and
the receiver (e.g. a PC) comply to the following:
1. Instruments are connected with supplied interface cable. Caution: While making the connection,
both instruments must be switched off! (Pin layout: see Appendix to this documentation).
2. The transmitter (R/S Rheometer) and the receiver are configurated to identical data transfer
parameters (for R/S Rheometer see Chapter 6.7.5. “Set RS232 Parameter”).
RS232: 19200,8,n,1