iSimple Handheld PC 680/680e User Manual

Page 63

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Chapter 3 | Connecting to your desktop PC | 57

Book field so that the HP PIM Translation Utility does

not know how to map it, you can define a mapping for it


Name mapping
The Name field in the Phone Book data file can be mapped in

three ways in Schedule+:


If the name in the Phone Book data file is entered as

Name1, Name2 [Name3] (that is, with a comma after the

first word), it is always mapped to the two name fields in

Schedule+ with Name1 = Last Name and Name2

[Name3] = First Name.


If the name in the Phone Book data file does not have a

comma after the first word, you can choose one of two

options for its mapping:


Last name/First name— (default) Name1 [Name3]

Name2 maps to Name1 = Last Name and [Name3]

Name2 = First Name.


First name/Last name—Name1 [Name3] Name2

maps to Name1 [Name3] = First Name and Name2

= Last Name.

In all cases, Last name is mapped to a single word, with any

additional words such as [Name3] becoming part of First


Mapping additions
If a field appears in the left column with no mapping (that

is, no arrow in the center column) select a field name from

the drop-down list of the Schedule+ field immediately to the

right of the field whose mapping you want to define. The

field name appears in the appropriate cell in the right

column and a mapping arrow appears in the center column.