iSimple Handheld PC 680/680e User Manual

Page 183

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Glossary ï 177

full reset A process that returns your HP Jornada to its

original state by removing all power, thereby erasing all

files and data you have saved. For more information, see

the Resetting section in chapter 8. (Also called

“hard reset.”)

hard icons The icons located along the right side of your

touch screen are hard icons. Tap these icons to scroll up

or down, open the HP settings application, show or hide

the task bar, and switch between open applications.

Internet service provider (ISP) A company that provides

access to the Internet.

IP (Internet Protocol) specifies the format of packets, also

called datagrams, and the addressing scheme of the Web.

Much like a postal system, IP allows you to address a

package and drop it into the system, but your package is

not delivered instantly to your recipient. The packets are

simply delivered to a server until the recipient downloads

them by logging onto the ISP server.

LAN (Local area network) A group of computers, usually

in close proximity (either in the same building or in

buildings in close proximity), that are linked together to

share files and exchange data.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

A standard that allows binary data (such as graphics or

documents) to be transmitted over the Internet without

first being translated into ASCII text. Many e-mail pro-

grams use MIME to allow files to be sent or received as

attachments to e-mail messages.

NIC (Network interface card) A card that is

installed in a computer so that it can be connected to a

network. Network interface cards can provide a dedicated,

full-time connection to a network.