iSimple Handheld PC 680/680e User Manual

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102 | HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide

Web service information
If you choose to configure Web services, HP dialup prompts

you to set options such as your Home and Search pages,

AutoDial and Auto Disconnect, and Advanced options.

Advanced options include enabling cookies, caching (and

cache size), and security settings.

Proxy Server—Typically, you must specify a proxy server

if you are connecting to the Internet over a network.

Check with your network administrator to find out if you

need to use a proxy server, and if so, the address of the


Home and Search pages—Set addresses for your Home

and Search pages using this option.

AutoDial and Auto Disconnect—These options allow

HP Jornada to connect and disconnect automatically from

your Web service when an application (such as Inbox or

Pocket Internet Explorer) requires access. Remember that

your device needs to be connected to the telephone line

before a connection is possible.

Pocket Internet Explorer appearance—Select the

appropriate check box to show pictures, play sounds, or

make the Web page fit in your device screen. Turning off

pictures and sounds can increase the speed with which

Web pages are displayed.

Advanced settings—Control some advanced Web service

features with HP dialup. You can enable cookies and

caching (up to 10% of available memory) and set security

levels with this option.

Advanced security settings include the option to select

from two versions of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or PCT

(Private Communication Technology). These protocols

maintain the security and integrity of the transmission

channel by using encryption, authentication, and message-

authentication codes.