Intel SX220 User Manual

Page 97

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Viglen SX220 User Guide


Software Updates

Your system comes with preinstalled system BIOS and BMC firmware. When
necessary, updates will be available for download from the Viglen support website.

The updates are available in two forms:

A software update package (SUP) containing all three updates

Individual files, one for each update, that are manually executed

With either form, bootable diskettes must be created.

Creating a Bootable Diskette

Each update diskette created must be made bootable with ROM-DOS Ver. 6.22 or
MS-DOS Ver. 6.22.


It is recommended that the target system be booted with the Resource CD

that accompanied the product. However, the process for making the
diskettes is the same for all the compatible versions of DOS. ROM-DOS
Ver. 6.22 is included on the Resource CD.

1. Insert and boot to the Resource CD.

2. Exit from the menu to a DOS prompt.

3. Insert a diskette into the floppy drive.

4. At the DOS prompt, for an unformatted diskette, type:

format a:/s

Or, for a formatted diskette, type:

sys a:

5. Press

Software Update Package

A Software Update Package (SUP) contains all the necessary files to perform BIOS,
BMC, FRU/SDR, or other software updates.


Before proceeding, review the release notes.

1. Download the software update.