Intel SX220 User Manual
Page 112

Viglen SX220 User Guide
Configuration registers
The Client SSU stores configuration values in flash memory. These values take
effect when you boot the server.
Start a Client SSU session, by requesting a service boot through the Emergency
Management Port. As the service environment boots, a network stack and agent are
started and communication switches to the required protocol.
The Client SSU integrates into the ISC Console and enterprise management
The Service Partition and Remote Diagnostics
Remote Diagnostics are available on a service partition on a hard drive on the
managed server.
To use the remote diagnostics, a system manager needs to connect to the server
with Direct Platform Control then reboot to the service partition. After the server
reboots, the remote diagnostics become available and the system manager can use
them for testing server hardware.
What is the Service Partition?
Both the Client System Setup Utility and Remote Diagnostics rely on the server’s
Service Partition.
The Service Partition is installed on a separate file system partition, and includes the
ROM-DOS operating system, SSU and Diagnostics agents/tests. It provides a
standard communication stack that can be used over a modem or a serial port to
provide remote control of the SSU, diagnostics or any other compatible utility.
The Service Partition may also be used with a redirected text-based console.
Once the utilities and the tests are completed on the Service Partition, the system
can be rebooted. The BIOS reverts back to normal boot order after the reboot.
Remote Diagnostics
Remote Diagnostics consists of Modular Test Architecture (MTA) diagnostic tests
resident on the Service Partition. The tests can be controlled via a menu maintained
on the Service Partition and a text-based console redirected to the client workstation.
DMI Explorer
You can use DMI Explorer to view attribute values for each DMI-compliant
component, and to manage third-party DMI-compliant components.