P43 automatic start up, Warning, Starting first fire – Harman Stove Company P43 User Manual

Page 17

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P43 Pellet Stove

igniter Switch to"autO"(up position)

Make sure the unit is plugged into a 10 VAC, 60

HZ electrical source. The power light should be the

only light lit.


turn Mode Selector to "OFF".


Fill hopper with pellets.



clean burn pot with scraper, if necessary.



if starting after an empty hopper, turn Feed

adjuster to "teSt" (for one 60 second cycle).

This will purge pellets into the auger tube and also

allow you to check the motors for operation.

nOte: the auger motor will not operate with

the view door or ash pan door open.



turn Feed adjuster to #4.



Flip the igniter Switch up into the "AUTO"



turn the temperature dial to the desired



turn Mode Selector to Room Temperature or

Stove Temperature.


Fill hopper with pellets and remove ashes as



P43 autOMatic Start uP

helpful hints

1. Fines are small pieces of broken pellets (sawdust). Fines do not

flow easily and often build up on the hopper funnel bottom angles.

You can push these fines into the feeder opening and then fill the

hopper with pellets. As the system works, they will be burned. Or

you can clean them out before filling the hopper.

2. The "TEST" cycle will operate the feeder motor for exactly one

minute. Turning to "TEST" again and again may purge too much

fuel into the burn pot causing excessive smoke on start-up.

3. The firebox low pressure switch will not allow the auger motor

or the igniter element to operate if the view door or the ash pan

door are open.

4. Adjust Feed Rate. If this is your first fire or you are trying different

pellets, set the feed adjuster to #4, Fig. 17. This is a conservative

number and will probably need to be increased. After you know a

feed rate setting that works well, use that setting. Remember, if your

feed rate is too high you may waste fuel.

5. This is usually a weekly maintenance procedure. Cleaning the

burn pot with the scraper with a small amount of new fuel in the

bottom is not a problem. First, scrape the ashes off the front of the

burn pot into the ash pan. Then, scrape the top surface of the burn

pot downward into the base of the burn pot. When the stove is ignited

these scrapings will be pushed out by the feeder and burned.

6. The ash pan can hold the ashes from approximately 1 ton of

premium fuel. This means the ashes will only need to be emptied

a few times a year.

7. Setting the feed adjuster # for maximum burn: With the unit

burning in "AUTO", turn to "Stove Mode" and put the fan on "H".

Set the Temperature Dial to #7. Allow the unit to burn for about 30

minutes and check ash on front of burn pot. Fig. 18. If the ash line

is larger than 1", turn the feed adjuster from #4 to #5. Allow another

30 minutes of burn time and check again. If , at #6 setting, a 1" or

less ash bed is not obtainable, it is not a problem. The 1" ash bed

is only a maximum burn rate and at most normal settings the ash

bed will be larger.

Fig. 17


"never uSe gaSOline, gaSOline-tYPe lantern

Fuel, KerOSene, charcOal lighter Fluid, Or

SiMilar liQuidS tO Start Or "FreShen uP " a

Fire in thiS heater. KeeP all Such liQuidS

well awaY FrOM the heater while in uSe".


OnlY uSe wOOd Pellet Fuel. dO nOt burn

garbage in StOve.

SeeHint #7.

Fig. 18


Flame Guide

Starting First Fire

nOtice: be sure there is no unburned fuel

or other combustibles in the ash pan prior

to lighting.