Preparation for the rem ote control, Installation antenna connection, Battery installation – haier 29F5D User Manual

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Antenna connection

G eneral speaking, to enjoy a clearer picture, w e recom m end that you use a C ATV
system or an outdoor antenna .In different places, the suitable antenna type and position
are different.

300 tw in-lead cable

Antenna adapter
(additional purchase)

75 coaxial cable

(additional purchase)

M ixer



Antenna input

75 standard

coaxial type

AC pow er socket

N ote

It is recom m ended that you’d better use 75

D on’t bind antenna cable and electric w ire together.

coaxial cable to rem ove the

disturbance caused by airw ave.

Preparation for the rem ote control

* the plug type m ay vary
depending on the m odel.

Battery installation

Take of

f the battery com partm ent cover. Place tw o AA batteries, m ake sure that battery

polarity m atches w ith the +/- m ark inside the battery com partm ent.

O peration notes for the rem ote control unit

U nder norm al conditions, the life tim e of batteries is one year.
If you don’t intend to use the unit for a long period or the electricity of the batteries is
used up, rem ove the batteries to prevent batteries acid from leaking into the battery
com partm ent.

Avoid dropping the rem ote control and/or getting it w et.

N ever place batteries in a fire.

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