HP Jornada 520 User Manual
Page 133

increasing ........................ 63, 73, 90
managing..................................... 63
program ....................................... 63
storage ............... 18, 26, 27, 55, 63,
73, 88, 89
microphone ................................ 20, 25
Microsoft ActiveSync... See ActiveSync
Microsoft Exchange ............. 55, 56, 75
Microsoft Outlook .... 31, 37, 39, 55, 56,
75, 100, 124, 125
Microsoft Pocket Outlook .... See Inbox,
Contacts, Calendar, or Tasks
Microsoft Reader................ 5, 7, 83, 89
Mobile Channels ............ See channels
Mobile Favorites....... 31, 37, 53, 54, 55
mobile phone ................................... 48
Mobile Voice .................................... 26
CompactFlash card ..................... 46
disconnecting .............................. 19
infrared ........................................ 48
installing ...................................... 46
MP3 files .................................. 5, 6, 86
music.............................See audio files
MusicMatch JukeBox ................... 6, 87
navigating......................................... 16
Navigation bar.................................. 18
network ..................................See LAN
network interface card......... 46, 47, 49,
50, 93, 102, 116
New Partnership Wizard .................. 36
NIC............ See network interface card
Notes............... 3, 5, 23, 25, 27, 68, 75,
77, 78, 80-82, 104
Notification LED ................. 10, 14, 103
OmniSolve ......................... 3, 5, 83, 90
On/Off button .......... 10, 14, 16, 98-100
online Help ............... 2, 7, 8, 50, 83, 90
owner information ............................ 68
Palm devices
migrating data............................ 124
Palm devices, migrating data. 124, 125
establishing.................................. 36
multiple ........................................ 36
New Partnership Wizard .............. 36
clearing ........................................ 67
for a network .................. 49, 50, 102
for backup files............................. 40
for e-mail ................................ 49, 57
for HP Jornada................... 4, 66, 67
delay........................................ 67
primary .............................. 66, 67
reminder .................................. 67
for notes ......................................... 6
for Pocket Excel workbooks......... 86
for the Internet ....................... 49, 50
forgetting ................................ 67, 97
PCM files .......................................... 26
personal information manager........... 4,
37-43, 81, 82, 100, 116
PIM See personal information manager
Playlist Manager............................... 88
Pocket Excel.........3, 5, 83, 85, 86, 104
templates ..................................... 85
Pocket Internet Explorer.............. 5, 51,
52, 104
Pocket Outlook ........................... 81, 82
Pocket Word..........3, 5, 23, 83-85, 104
POP3 protocol ..............49, 57, 60, 116
pop-up menus .................................. 20
power................................................ 62
charging ....................... 2, 14, 19, 62
conserving ................................... 62
LED indicators ............................. 62
low-power warnings ..................... 62
typical usage................................ 62
Power control panel........ 14, 18, 62, 65
games ................................ 4, 68, 69
settings ............................ 64, 65, 99
program memory .............................. 63
additional ....................................... 5
assigning to a hardware button.... 68
closing.......................................... 63
HP .................................................. 4
installing................................... 5, 72
Microsoft ........................................ 5
quitting ......................................... 63
removing .....................4-6, 8, 63, 73
switching ...................................... 17
third-party....................................... 5