Order in which post tests are performed – HP XU700 User Manual
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6 Tests and Error Messages
Order in Which POST Tests Are Performed
Order in Which POST Tests Are Performed
Each time the system is powered on, or a reset is performed, the POST is
executed. The POST process verifies the basic functionality of the system
components and initializes certain system parameters.
The POST starts by displaying a graphic screen of the HP PC Workstation’s
logo when the PC Workstation is restarted. If you wish to view the POST
details, press
to get the HP Summary Screen.
If the POST detects an error, the screen switches to text mode, and a
detailed error message is displayed inside a view system errors screen, in
which the error message utility (EMU) not only displays the error diagnosis,
but the suggestions for corrective action (refer to
for a brief
On the HP Kayak XU700 Minitower PC Workstation, the LCD status panel
displays either a message, a POST code number (refer to
Devices such as memory and newly installed hard disks, are configured
automatically. The user is not requested to confirm the change.
During the POST, the BIOS and other ROM data are copied into high-speed
shadow RAM. The shadow RAM is addressed at the same physical location
as the original ROM in a manner which is completely transparent to
applications. It therefore appears to behave as very fast ROM. This
technique provides faster access to the system BIOS firmware.
The following table lists the POST checkpoint codes and their associated
beeps. Refer to
for more details about pre-boot diagnostics error
POST Routine Description
MaxiLife LCD
Verify Real Mode
Disable Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)
Get CPU type