Exposure Compensation 107
flash 106
F-number 105
focus 106
focus settings 30
rechargeable batteries 102
audio clips 23, 54
video clips 24
Red-eye Reduction, setting 43
remaining pictures on memory
card 29
Reset switch, using 83
Resolution, setting 44
restoring previous settings 18
reviewing images and video
clips 49
rotate image 56
Saturation, setting 46
Self-Timer light, description 14
Self-Timer, setting 38
settings, restoring previous 18
Setup menu, using 70
Share button, description 10
Share menu
customize 62
description 60
e-mail service 62
printing options 61
using 60
share pictures 59
Sharpness, setting 47
Shutter button
description 12
lock exposure and focus 26
shutter speed range 106
software, install 19, 20
sounds of camera 71
space remaining on memory
card 29
speaker, description 12
specifications 105
states of camera 21
status screen 17
still pictures, take 22
support for users 93
technical support 93
Time & Date, setting 18, 72
tripod mount, description 15
troubleshoot problems 75
turn on/off
camera sounds 71
HP Instant Share 59
Live View 28
Playback 49
power 17
TV (television) configuration,
setting 73
under-exposing an image 32
unload images, camera to
computer 67
configuration setting 72
connector on camera 14