HP Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise User Manual

Page 41

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20. From an AIX command shell, type this command:

./prodpick -l99 -oh -t/dev/prodpick.lj3pcl.99 -v20 &



mvEnterprise program.


Run printer on mvEnterprise port


Suppress LOGON banner at
startup of printer process.


Use this pipe for output.


Restrict to 20 the number of VFS
pages for use by the
mvEnterprise spooler process.


Run process in the background.

The pipe name is written to /tmp/prodpick.lj3pcl.99 as a lock to
prevent two pipes with the same name. This lock is released when the
pipe is shut down. If this procedure is being run from a script, it is
necessary to sleep for 5 seconds between commands to allow the pipe
adequate time to start.

21. From within mvEnterprise, start the printer. Type:

STARTPTR 0,0,0,S99

mvEnterprise Release 4.1 on AIX Installation Guide Page 39