HP Raining DataCorp. mvEnterprise User Manual

Page 17

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mvEnterprise Release 4.1 on AIX Installation Guide Page 15

Enter number of phantoms for restore, for none
Press Enter.

When the file restore is complete, remove the base file-save or
release tape.

13. Restore any accounts which reside on account-save tapes, then

remove the account-save tapes.

If this is a new installation, the installation is complete.

14. If this is not a new installation, perform the incremental system

upgrade procedure that follows. This procedure updates the release
system accounts and files.

NOTE: Do not allow users on the system until the upgrade procedure is



Data located in SYSPROG, LIBRARY, ASM,
SCRIBE, ODA.ADMIN and any account included in
future mvEnterprise release is affected. If you have
altered the release files for any reason, you must
maintain a backup copy with your changes. Refer to
“Upgrade File Listing” for a complete listing of all files
altered during the upgrade procedure.

During the upgrade, the upgrade program prompts for the option to
upgrade all account master dictionaries. If you respond with Y, all
account master dictionaries are updated using the MD-UPGRADE
utility. MD-UPGRADE upgrades existing commands in each master
dictionary and add additional, new commands based on the
SEQ.UPGRADE.NEWAC item in the LST file. If you respond with
N, you must manually upgrade all account master dictionaries.

· Insert the mvEnterprise Release 4.1. release tape in drive 0.
· Logon to the SYSPROG account.
· To attach to Drive 0, at TCL type:



· To initiate the upgrade program, at TCL type: