HP 5992-3838 User Manual

Page 50

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If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged
in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.


Check that the host is known to Application Discovery.


Click the following tabs in Application Discovery: Admin/Config, then Discovery.


Find the column heading "Host". Hosts recognized by Application Discovery are listed
here. If the host that you are looking for is not listed here, it may be that you need to
deploy an agent on the host and exchange certificates so that the host is recognized and
inventoried by Application Discovery.

No 'by application' Entry in VSE Workload Definition Criteria Drop-down


Check that Application Discovery server is running on the CMS.

Type ps -elf | grep amgrserver.jar on the command line of the CMS. You should
see a Java process running the Application Discovery server.

If you do not see this Java process, type /opt/amgr/bin/cms_start . You must be logged
in as user 'root' on the CMS to initiate this command.


Check that the host is known to Application Discovery.


Click the following tabs in Application Discovery: Admin/Config, then Discovery.


Find the column heading "Host". Hosts recognized by Application Discovery are listed
here. If the host that you are looking for is not listed here, it may be that you need to
deploy an agent on the host and exchange certificates so that the host is recognized and
inventoried by Application Discovery.

No Indicators Showing in VSE Workload Real-Time Utilization Meters

This information applies to workloads associated with Application Discovery applications.


Check that the Application Discovery agent is running.

Click the following menu choices in HP Systems Insight Manager: Configure


VSE Agents

Check AD Agent States . Follow the instructions for selecting hosts and

checking agent state.

If the Application Discovery agent is installed, but is not running, click Configure


VSE Agents

Start AD Agents and follow the instructions for selecting hosts and starting



Check that Application Discovery agent is writing process maps for this workload on the
managed system.

Log on to the managed system.


Go to /var/opt/amgr/procmaps .


Check for the existence of files. Note that file names are internally generated and do
not have a logical correlation with user-known names, specifically user-assigned
workload names.


Check the file timestamps. If any file is more than 60 seconds old (this is already
conservative), process maps are not being updated.

If you confirm that process maps are not being updated, you can try the following actions
to get process maps working correctly.


Check that the workload is defined for this host.

A workload receives process maps only for the host or hosts for or on which it is deployed.
To check that a workload is defined for a host, click the Workloads tab in Virtualization
Manager. You may need to modify a workload to include this host or create a new workload
for it. For help on this topic, see the Virtualization Manager Help reference.


Troubleshooting and Error Messages