Honeywell RAPID EYE K5404V9 User Manual
Page 135

operator: time limit at site, 1–4, 6–4
output, technical term, 6–11
pan-tilt-zoom. See PTZ
personnel: security officer, 6–7
playback. See retrieval session
Plus unit. See Multi-Media unit, historical note
position of camera, 5–15
pre-detection: duration of video preview, 5–11
preset 1, PTZ. See PTZ, first preset
PTZ, 2–16; aperture, 2–18; at close of session,
2–17; auto-focus, 2–18; auto-iris, 2–18;
commands, 2–18; end of session behavior
(table), 2–18; first preset, 2–18; focus, 2–18;
motion search, 2–18; nudge factor, 2–18;
preset, 2–17; preset tour, 2–18; stopping, 2–
17; Ultrak KD6i restriction, 2–18; zoom, 2–18
public monitor: LocalView resolution, 2–13
question: customer support, 1–7; index, 1–6;
reference information, 1–6
Quick search, for Multi site, 1–3
real estate: session pane, 1–5; toolbars, 1–5
real estate, session pane, 1–5
record: audio, 8–3
recorded sound. See audio, recorded
recorded sound, using Multi. See audio
recording rate, maximum, 4–3
reference information, 1–6
refresh: database, 1–4
regular expression, 11–4
remote unit. See Multi-Media unit, historical note
remote video, unit. See Multi-Media unit,
historical note
replay button, video excerpt, 5–10
report, motion search: chart of motion
frequency, 5–8; options, 5–7
resolution: legacy and cropping, 2–15; legend,
gauges, 2–14; metering, 2–12; NTSC, 2–13;
optimal rendering, 2–11; PAL, 2–14;
recording, 2–10
Restore button, 6–12
retrieval: on alarm, 6–3
retrieval session: calendar utility, 6–19; ending,
3–9; go to time, 3–5; Go to time (table), 3–7;
playback speed, 3–4; skip-to-time, 3–4;
spotting video, 3–4; start time, 3–2; starting,
3–1; used for motion search excerpts, 5–12
retrieval, video: later media, 3–5
RTZ, 2–7
rules: customer device, 11–5
saturation, camera parameter, 4–1
scheduling: alarms, 12–5; camera, 12–2;
customizing for a camera, 12–4; groups of
cameras, 12–4; holidays, 12–2; optional, 12–1
screen area, monitor, 2–8
Search, button, 5–4
security: alarm use, 6–10; events, by type
(table), 6–16, 6–17, 7–3, 7–9, 7–10; optional,
6–7; tracing events, 6–7
security officer, 6–7
seek. See retrieval session, Go to
sensitivity, slider, 5–4, 5–15
serial communications: customer device, 11–5
set all, search for motion command, 5–6
show grid(lines), button, 5–4
show grid, search for motion command, 5–6
show mask, button, 5–4
show mask, search for motion command, 5–6
site. See Multi site
size, camera window, 2–13
skip-to-time. See retrieval session
smaller mask, 5–14
smoothing. See video smoothing
sound, using Multi. See audio
speed slider, 3–4, 3–6
spotting video. See retrieval session
Start Recording Bitmaps button. See stills
stills: bitmaps, 7–7; for distribution, 7–7;
identifying, 7–9; producing, 7–8; setup, 7–7
stream, 5–2; double-sized, 2–6
sunlight, on camera lens, 4–4
table: Go to time, 3–7; jump-to-time, 3–6
tabs, main. See action tab
talking to a site. See audio
technical support. See Honeywell, customer
telephone number: customer support, 1–7