Elo TouchSystems 1525L User Manual

Page 130

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Section 5. Example Applications


MSComm1.Output = "/read card" & Chr$(10)

' If the device has check reading capability, then the
' following command would be used to read only the check
' data
' MSComm1.Output = "/read check" & Chr$(10)

' If the device can read only one media type (e.g. a
' card reader) then the read command "/read" command can
' be is issued by itself.
' MSComm1.Output = "/read" & Chr$(10)

' If the device is capable of reading more than one
' media type and the application is capable of accepting
' data from any of the media, then the read command can
' be issued by itself or with the "any" parameter.


' are equivalent.)
' MSComm1.Output = "/read" & Chr$(10)


' MSComm1.Output = "/read any" & Chr$(10)

' Ask the user to do the read
txtInfo.Text = "Please swipe a card or click on Exit to quit"

' Wait until the card is read.
' In real life, the program can do other things while
' waiting for the data


Loop Until Len(RcvdData$) > 0

' Display the received data
txtInfo.Text = RcvdData$

' Reenable the read button
btnRead.Enabled = True

End Sub

'| btnStart_Click |
'| This function does the following:



1) Set up the buttons and display



2) Open the device under its "friendly name" as a file



3) Retrieve its "unfriendly name" (e.g. "COM12")



4) Extract the com port number from the unfriendly name



5) Close the device (IMPORTANT: this must be done or you will not |


be able to open the device again, in any mode, without



resetting the computer)



6) Open the device under its "unfriendly name" as a serial device |

Private Sub btnStart_Click()

' will hold the fully qualified name of the driver
Dim NewName$

' will be used to get data from the device driver
Dim buf$