Epson 61p User Manual
Page 113

Technical support, 9, 92 to 93
light, 81 to 82
requirements, 96
Theatre color mode, 40, 54
Timer, lamp, 76
Tint setting, 54
Tracking, adjusting, 56, 87 to 88
Transporting projector, 77
color, 89
cut-off image, 39, 86
image quality, 87 to 88
image shape, 87
no image, 83 to 85
no sound, 89 to 90
password, 90
pointer, 91
remote control problems, 91, 103
Turning off picture, 45
Turning off projector, 41 to 42
Turning on password, 65 to 66
Turning on projector, 30 to 32
Turning on User’s Logo, 59, 65 to 66
Typing the password, 66 to 67
Unpacking projector, 10
USB mouse cable, 10, 19 to 20
User’s Logo
creating, 63 to 64
displaying, 64 to 66
turning on, 59, 65 to 66
VCR, connecting to, 22 to 26
VGA computer cables, 10, 16 to 18
display settings, 61 to 62
formats, supported, 7, 98 to 100
source, connecting to, 22 to 26
source, selecting, 23 to 26, 31 to 32, 44,
Video button, 44
Video Signal setting, 57
Volume, adjusting, 41, 58
Warning lights, 81 to 82
Warranty, 10, 106 to 107
Weight, 96
Wireless mouse, 19 to 20, 47, 91