PLANET IM-1000 User Manual

Page 128

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Example 3

IM Management

Step4. Click Browse near Import Account Rule form Client PC in IM

Management Æ Rule Æ Default Rule. Import the file and click OK.

Select the location to save the file

Step5. Now the IM account information in IM-1000 is the modified document

edited by MIS engineer.

The CSV files can only modify the already existed IM account content or add new IM account, but

cannot remove the IM account. In other words, if MIS engineer remove one of the IM accounts in csv
file and upload it, then the removed IM account still existed.

MIS engineer does not need to modify the authentication method in csv file. It is because if MIS

engineer has enabled the IM authentication mechanism, then user must set the related IM account
information to pass the IM authentication. And the IM authentication method is determined by
authentication IM account and passoword. So that menas it is useless for MIS engineer to set any
authentication method of USER, POP3 or LDAP in the csv file. For example, there is an IM account not
passed the authentication, even though MIS engineer set the authentication mothod of USER in csv file,