PLANET ICA-525 User Manual

Page 70

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Access ICA-525

Cannot access the login
page and other web pages
of ICA-525 from Internet

• Maybe the IP Address of the ICA-525 is already being used by
another device or computer. To confirm this possible problem,
disconnect the ICA-525 from the network first, and then run the
PING utility to check it out.
• May be due to the network cable. Try correcting your network cable
and configuration. Test the network interface by connecting a local
computer to the ICA-525 via a crossover cable.
• Make sure the Internet connection and setting is ok.
• Make sure enter the IP address of Internet Explorer is correct. If
ICA-525 has a dynamic address, it may have changed since you last
checked it.
• Network congestion may prevent the web page appearing quickly.
Wait for a while.
The IP address and Subnet Mask of the PC and ICA-525 must be in
the same class of the private IP address on the LAN.
• Make sure the http port used by the ICA-525, default=80, is
forward to the ICA-525’s private IP address.
• The port number assigned in your ICA-525 might not be available
via Internet. Check your ISP for available port.
• The proxy server may prevent you from connecting directly to
ICA-525, set up not to use the proxy server.
• Confirm that Default Gateway address is correct.
• The router needs Port Forwarding feature. Refer to your router's
manual for details.
• Packet Filtering of the router may prohibit access from an external
network. Refer to your router's manual for details.
• Access ICA-525 from the Internet with the global IP address of the
router and port number of ICA-525.
• Some routers reject the global IP address to access ICA-525 on
the same LAN. Access with the private IP address and correct port
number of ICA-525.
• When you use DDNS, you need to set Default Gateway and DNS
server address.
• If it’s not working after above procedure, reset ICA-525 to default
setting and installed it again.
• If the problem is not solved, the ICA-525 might be faulty. Contact
your dealer for further help.

Image or video does not
appear in the main page.

• The first time the PC connects to ICA-525, a pop-up Security
Warning window
will appear to download ActiveX Controls. When
using Windows 2000 or Windows XP, log on with an appropriate
account that is authorized to install applications.
• Network congestion may prevent the Image screen from appearing
quickly. You may choose lower resolution to reduce the required

Internet Explorer displays
the following message:
“Your current security
settings prohibit
downloading ActiveX

Setup the IE security settings or configure the individual settings to
allow downloading and scripting of unsigned ActiveX controls.