Figure 2. main panel, 1 main panel buttons – KEPCO BOP VISA Driver (Universal, GPIB) User Manual

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BOP-VISA 010906

Once you are connected to the VISA interface, the virtual front panel appears (see Main Panel, Figure 2).



The main panel shows all power supply parameters simultaneously, without having to execute local con-
trols and read the corresponding display. The main panel is a real-time display of output values and pro-
grammed parameters. All functions are available from the main panel. The title bar at the top of the window
(not shown) indicates the BOP model connected to the GPIB interface.

NOTE: Some buttons may disabled for special BOP models or those using special BIT cards

(special models include a 5-digit suffix).

The Mode button changes the operating mode (CV or CC); Mode indicators light to indicate whether the
power supply is operating in either CV (constant voltage) or CC (constant current) mode.

The analog meters read actual output voltage and current; Two Display windows at the center provides a
more precise digital readout of actual output voltage and current.

The Range button opens a dropdown box; to change the operating range: either High, Low or Auto range
must be selected.

The Output button applies the programmed settings to the output terminals (ON) or keeps the output volt-
age and current at zero (OFF).

The Gain button (available only with BOP’s of 1000W and above or MDAC BIT card) opens a dropdown
box which allows the selection of the reference voltage: INT for Internal or EXT1 or EXT2 for one of two
external analog reference voltages used to calibrate the gain.

Indicators on either side of the digital display window, V limit and C limit, light (yellow) if the programmed
voltage or current limit is exceeded and light (red) if a protection error is detected

Set Voltage and Set Current windows are used to program the output voltage and current for the unit; set-
tings can be changed either by clicking on the arrows to the left of the display window, or by using the
mouse to highlight the setting, then typing in the new value.