RIGOL DG4000 Series User Manual
Page 66
Quick Guide for DG4000
Generate 150 built-in waveforms: DC, Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential
Fall, ECG, Gauss, Haversine, Lorentz, Pulse, Dual-Tone etc.; output arbitrary
waveforms stored in USB storage device.
Generate arbitrary waveforms (16kpts) edited online or through PC software
and then downloaded to the instrument by the users.
When the function is enabled, the backlight of the button turns on.
Enable to change Frequency/Period, Amplitude/High Level, Offset/Low Level
and Start Phase of the arbitrary waveform.
Generate harmonics with frequency from 1μHz to 80MHz.
Output up to 16
order of harmonic.
Enable to change Frequency/Period, Amplitude/High Level, Offset/Low Level
and Start Phase of harmonics.
Users can set the harmonic “Order”, “Type”, “Ampl” and “Phase”.
User----User-defined Waveform Key
Users can define the built-in waveform frequently used as shortcut (Utility
UserKey). And then, in any operation interface, press User to quickly open the
desired waveform and set its parameters.
15. Modes
Generate the modulated waveforms. Provide various analog modulation and
digital modulation modes and can generate AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK, BPSK,
QPSK, 3FSK, 4FSK, OSK or PWM modulated signal.
Support internal and external modulations.
Generate the frequency sweeping signal of Sine, Square, Ramp and Arbitrary
Waveforms (except DC).
Support three sweep types: Linear, Log and Step.
Support three trigger sources: Internal, External and Manual.
Provide the “Mark” function.
When the function is enabled, the backlight of the button turns on.