Retrotec Speed Control Adapter (for TEC fans) User Manual
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©Retrotec Inc. 2014
Extra Features the DM32 gives your TEC Devices
Pressurization testing no longer requires the use of an additional tube that is run to the other side of the
cloth. DM32 takes care of this in software and always makes the correct decision.
The True Flow Grid can be corrected in the gauge without using correction tables.
Hole Flow enables you to measure the flow rate from any supply or into any exhaust device just using a
box with a hole cut in it.
Hold readings and convert to any units used worldwide without a calculator.
Blower door can be used to measure air handler flow automatically. Since our Set Pressure can be any
value, simply measure the supply pressure. Set the pressure in the gauge to this pressure, and the
blower door willl measure the air handler flow.