Preliminar y, Rear panel controls – Extron electronic MAV Plus User Manual

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CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • Operation



Rear Panel Controls

The rear panel has a Reset button that initiates four levels of matrix switcher resets.
Press and hold the button while the switcher is running or while you apply power
to the switcher for different reset levels.

Performing soft system resets

The CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus switchers have three soft resets available
that restore various tiers of switcher settings to their default settings.

Events (mode 3) reset — This function toggles the monitoring of events on or off

(if events monitoring was on, this function turns it off; if it was off, it is turned on).

IP settings (mode 4) reset — The IP settings reset performs the following functions:





Resets the IP address to the factory default (

Resets the subnet mask to the factory default (

Resets the gateway address to its factory default (

Resets port mapping to the factory default:

❏ Rear port = primary
❏ Front port = secondary
❏ Both ports = 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

Turn DHCP off

Turn events off

N IP settings reset does not replace any user-installed fi rmware.

Absolute (mode 5) reset —

Absolute reset restores the switcher to the default

factory conditions, including the IP settings. This function is identical to the




SIS command, see chapter 4, SIS Programming and Control).