Preliminar y, Set and view ties page – Extron electronic MAV Plus User Manual

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CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • HTML Operation



Set and View Ties Page

You can create ties on the Set and View Ties page (fi gure 6-10). Access the Set and
View Ties page by clicking the Control tab.

Select Ties 1 through 32

Select Global Presets

Select RGB & Audio Settings

Select Ties 33 through 64

Figure 6-10 — Set and View Ties page

The page consists of a matrix of input (rows) and output (columns) selection
buttons of four different colors:

• The amber buttons indicate video and audio ties.

• The green buttons indicate video only ties.

• The red buttons indicate audio only ties.

• The gray buttons indicate no ties.
N If you lose track of the input and output associated with a specifi c button, let the

mouse pointer rest over a button for a moment. As shown on fi gure 6-10, a fi eld
pops up that identifi es the input and output for that button.