Fig.8 fig.7 – Sealey TC965 User Manual
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Original Language Version
TC965.V2 Issue No: 2 - 16/11/09
4. oPerAtion
tc965 Tyre Changer is manually operated - no air supply is required. It is designed for removing/
fitting tyres from/to most sizes of open-centre wheels (see section 3 specifications). Do not use the tyre
changer for any other purpose.
If tyres are to be changed on aluminium wheels the optional tyre bar, sealey model no:
tc963, must be
used to prevent damage to the wheel rims (fig.6).
imPortAnt! never attempt to fit or remove a tyre without first lubricating both beads.
bead breaking
4.1.1 remove the valve core to deflate the tyre and remove all balance weights.
4.1.2 Lift the bead breaker clear of the tyre changer foot.
4.1.3 Place the wheel on the foot of the tyre changer, locating the rim on the raised bar on the foot.
4.1.4 set the bead breaker arm at the appropriate height for the wheel and position the bead breaker
shoe under the rim flange (fig.7).
4.1.5 Pull down firmly on the bar and repeat around the rim until the bead is free (fig.8).
4.1.6 Turn wheel over and repeat to free the other bead.
note: When bead breaking on TD or TDX wheels the wheel must be horizontal. Locate the rim on the foot of the tyre changer and
support the opposite side of the wheel with a suitable piece of timber.
Tyre bar TC963
for alloy wheels (optional)
tyre removal
4.2.1 Lubricate both tyre beads with an approved rubber lubricant.
4.2.2 Place the wheel centrally onto the stand with the narrow bead seat uppermost, slide the two rim clamping jaws, so that they locate on
the rim of the wheel and insert 8mm locking pins. use the crank arm to wind in the adjustable jaw until the wheel is securely fixed.
note: the tyre may require lifting slightly to locate the jaws on the rim, take care not to trap the tyre in the jaws.
note: Figs 9 & 10 shown without tyre to demonstrate the clamping mechanism.
4.2.3 Insert the appropriate centre post through the centre of the wheel into the tyre changer (fig.10).
note: When changing tyres on bearing centre wheels use the centre post which matches the bearing size of the wheel.
For hub-centre wheels the large centre post is used.
4.2.4 Insert the ball end of the tyre bar beneath the top bead and press the opposite side of the bead down into the wheel well with the tyre
bar against the centre post rotate the tool full circle (fig.11) until the bead is lifted above the rim. remove inner tube (if fitted).
4.2.5 Lift the tyre up and repeat the procedure for the lower bead (fig.11).