Sealey VS779 User Manual

Motorcycle chain breaker & riveter, Vs779.v2, Fig.1 fig.2

background image

WARNING! Ensure Health and Safety, local authority and general workshop practice regulations

are adhered to when using tools and equipment.

DO NOT use if damaged.

Maintain in good and clean condition for best and safest performance.

Keep the work area clean, uncluttered and ensure there is adequate lighting.

Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and

wear non-slip shoes.

Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the work area.

Ensure that the motorcycle is safely positioned and secured.

1. safeTy iNsTrucTiONs

2. iNTrODucTiON & sPecificaTiON

3. OPeraTiNG iNsTrucTiONs

Breaks and rejoins all types of chain quickly and easily. Suitable for most sizes

of drive or cam chain #35 to #630 including o-ring. Supplied with a range of pins and dies.

IMPORTANT PLease reaD THese iNsTrucTiONs carefuLLy. NOTe THe safe OPeraTiONaL

reQuireMeNTs, WarNiNGs, aND cauTiONs. use THis PrODucT cOrrecTLy aND WiTH care, fOr

THe PurPOse fOr WHicH iT is iNTeNDeD. faiLure TO DO sO May cause DaMaGe aND/Or

PersONaL iNJury aND WiLL iNVaLiDaTe THe WarraNTy.


Breaking chain (pressing out link pin).


This tool may be used for breaking all chain sizes from number 35 to 630 but it is not recommended

for breaking heavy-duty types of 530 to 630 unless the rivet head is ground off first.


If working on cam chain be sure and cover chain tunnel with rag to prevent parts dropping down.


Assemble tool as shown in fig.1 (Anvil not used).







NOTE: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior


iMPOrTaNT: No liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.

WarraNTy: Guarantee is 12 months from purchase date, proof of which will be required for any claim.

iNfOrMaTiON: For a copy of our catalogue and latest promotions call us on 01284 757525 and leave your full name, address and postcode.


Select correct size breaking tip (fig.2.3) for the chain to be worked on and insert into alignment

bolt (fig.2.1) by removing push (extractor) bolt (fig.2.4), insert breaking tip (fig.2.3), with spring

(fig.2) under head of breaker pin, and replace push (extractor) bolt (fig.1). If small 2.2 mm tip is

used you must also use the upper and lower guides (see fig.3) to prevent breaking the tip. The

upper guide threads onto the alignment bolt, the lower guide drops in place in bottom of tool

body. Smallest pin (2.2 mm) should be used on most cam chain. 2.9mm pin used on #25 or #35

chain 3.8 mm pin for most motorcycle drive chain (428 to 530).


Put tool over chain, breaker pin tip must be withdrawn at least 2 mm into alignment bolt. The end

of the chain rivet should be held in position by the tool alignment bolt, the other end of the rivet

should be held in the tool body. Tighten the alignment bolt securely against chain to hold chain in


Tighten push (extractor) bolt with a 14 mm wrench or lever bar until the chain pin is pushed out

completely the chain pin will drop out of the hole in the bottom of the tool. Withdraw push

bolt and breaker pin, loosen alignment bolt and remove.


When tightening push (extractor) bolt against chain link pin; if you don’t feel the tip pushing down

smoothly, check that the tip is correctly lined up against the link pin. If not redo step 3.2.3 or you

may break the breaker pin.


iNsTaLLiNG cHaiN LiNK PiN (riveting).


The rivet tip and anvil must be in place in tool.


Assemble the chain with the link to be rivetted. Special rivet link pins must be used, using original

pushed out pin is not recommended as the ends will be weakened.

DO NOT use a split pin type

connecting link. The pin must be pushed all the way through the chain link, if the pin is hard to insert

it can be pushed into place by placing chain into the tool with the rivet tip withdrawn 2mm into the

alignment bolt and tightening the alignment bolt until the pin has been pushed through the link,

ensure that an equal length of pin shows on each side of the link.


Position the tool over the pin to be rivetted, make sure rivet tip is withdrawn 2mm into the

alignment bolt and tighten the alignment bolt securely against chain. Tighten the push (extractor)

bolt so that the rivet tip flares the chain pin. Both ends of the chain link pin should be flared so the

pin is securely held in place. Repeat procedure on other link pin.


Withdraw the tool, remove the chain; visually check that both chain link pins show the same

flared ends and that the rivets on the side plates are in alignment with side plates on either



You may also use the press plates to flare the ends of pins as shown below (fig.4); use the

press plate with the two holes in in the upper jaw and the grooved press plate in the lower jaw. You

may also use a combination of the rivet pin and lower press plate as fig.5.



Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according

to these instructions and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.



MOTOrcycLe cHaiN BreaKer

& riVeTer



01284 757500

01284 703534

[email protected]

sole uK Distributor, sealey Group,

Kempson Way, Suffolk Business Park

, Bury

St. Edmunds, Suffolk,

IP32 7AR


© Jack Sealey Limited

Original Language Version

VS779.V2 Issue: 1 07/11/13

© Jack Sealey Limited

Original Language Version

VS779.V2 Issue: 1 07/11/13