Sealey MC450RL User Manual
Motorcycle rear lift for mc450, Mc450rl

Optional rear lift for the MC450, allows rear
motorcycle wheel to be lifted when needing to
be removed or when performing maintenance.
InstruCtIOns fOr:
Motorcycle rear lift for
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
IMPORTANT: PleaSe reaD tHeSe iNStrUctioNS carefUlly. Note tHe Safe oPeratioNal
reQUireMeNtS, WarNiNGS aND caUtioNS. USe tHiS ProDUct correctly aND WitH care for tHe
PUrPoSe for WHicH it iS iNteNDeD. failUre to Do So May caUSe DaMaGe aND/or PerSoNal
iNJUry aND Will iNValiDate tHe WarraNty. PleaSe KeeP iNStrUctioNS Safe for fUtUre USe.
Ensure that the equipment is in good working order. take action for immediate repair or
replacement of damaged parts. use genuine parts only. the use of unauthorised parts
may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Keep work area clean and tidy and free from unrelated materials.
Ensure that you are familiar with the operation of the MC450 Hydraulic Motorcycle Lift.
It is recommended that the motorcycle is secured to the MC450 motorcycle lift using
suitable locking ratchet style tie down straps.
Only place motorcycle rear lift under those lifting points on the rear swinging arm
recommended by the motorcycle manufacturer (see motorcycle handbook).
Do Not place motorcycle rear lift under any motorcycle fairing panels or bodywork.
Check the lifting point is stable and centred on the motorcycle rear lift.
Ensure that the motorcycle front wheel is secured.
Ensure all non-essential persons keep a safe distance whilst the equipment is in use.
Ensure there are no persons or obstructions beneath the motorcycle before lowering.
Do Not operate the motorcycle rear lift if damaged.
Do Not use an impact wrench to raise or lower the motorcycle rear lift.
Do Not allow untrained persons to operate the motorcycle rear lift.
Do Not use the motorcycle rear lift for purposes other than that for which it is designed.
Do Not lift the rear of the motorcycle if there is a risk of spillage of fuel, battery acid, or
other dangerous substances.
Do Not allow the motorcycle to move while supported by the motorcycle rear lift.
Do Not use the motorcycle rear lift when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol,
drugs or intoxicating medication.
When not in use store motorcycle rear lift, fully lowered, in a safe, dry, childproof area.
WarNiNG! Caution should be exercised when working under a motorcycle which is
supported by the motorcycle rear lift even if additional supports are used.
iMPortaNt! ensure that you can see the saddle and jacking point throughout the
lifting operation in case there is any relative movement.
2. iNtroDUctioN
1. Safety iNStrUctioNS
Original Language Version
MC450rL Issue: 1 - 19/10/11