Sealey AP7200 User Manual

Ap7200, Instructions for, Model no

background image

InstructIons for:

racking unit 5 level -

200kg capacity per level

MoDEL no



thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and

properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.

1. SaFety inStructiOnS

IMPORTANT: pleaSe reaD tHeSe inStructiOnS careFully. nOte tHe SaFe OperatiOnal reQuireMentS, WarningS & cautiOnS.

uSe tHe prODuct cOrrectly anD WitH care FOr tHe purpOSe FOr WHicH it iS intenDeD. Failure tO DO SO May cauSe

DaMage anD/Or perSOnal inJury anD Will invaliDate tHe Warranty. pleaSe keep inStructiOnS SaFe FOr Future uSe.

2. intrODuctiOn

3. cOntentS

1.1. general SaFety

Warning! Ensure Health & safety, local authority, and

general workshop practice regulations are adhered to when

using this racking unit.

Locate racking unit in a suitable work area.

Keep the work area clean, uncluttered and ensure there is

adequate lighting.

Warning! use racking unit on level and solid ground,

preferably concrete.

Keep the racking unit clean and tidy in accordance with

good workshop practice.

Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the work


DO nOt use the racking unit for any purpose other than

that for which it is designed.

DO nOt use the racking unit outdoors.

DO nOt place the racking unit in a damp or wet location or

an area where there is condensation.

DO nOt clean the racking unit with any solvents which

may damage the surfaces or the protective coating.

DO nOt move the racking unit when there are items

placed on it.

DO nOt overload the racking unit.

Fully painted steel frame with five shelves. 200kg capacity per level

giving a maximum capacity of 1000kg per rack. Two piece

uprights allow use as a single bay rack or split into two separate shelf

systems or workstations. Ideal for use in conjunction with Model no.

AP7150C corner racking unit.


Overall Width: 900mm, Depth: 400mm, Height: 1830mm.

unpack the contents of the box and check against the parts list. If there are any parts missing, contact your sealey dealer.

Original Language Version

AP7200 Issue: 1 - 23/08/12

© Jack sealey Limited