Sealey AK458DX User Manual
Mobile oil drainer 110ltr, Ak458dx.v4, Instructions for

InstructIons for:
Mobile oil drainer 110ltr
MoDEL no:
thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions and
properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
1. SaFeTY inSTrUCTionS
IMPORTANT: PleaSe read THeSe inSTrUCTionS CareFUllY. noTe THe SaFe oPeraTional reQUireMenTS, WarninGS & CaUTionS.
USe THe ProdUCT CorreCTlY and WiTH Care For THe PUrPoSe For WHiCH iT iS inTended. FailUre To do So MaY CaUSe
daMaGe and/or PerSonal inJUrY and Will inValidaTe THe WarranTY. PleaSe KeeP inSTrUCTionS SaFe For FUTUre USe.
General SaFeTY
WarninG! Ensure Health & Safety, local authority, and general workshop practice regulations are adhered to when using this equipment.
familiarise yourself with the application and limitations of the oil drainer, as well as the potential hazards.
WarninG! Disconnect the drainer from the air supply before changing accessories, servicing or performing any maintenance.
Maintain the
drainer in good condition (use an authorised service agent).
replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine parts only. Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Keep the work area clean, uncluttered and ensure there is adequate lighting.
Keep the drainer clean for best and safest performance.
Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip shoes.
WARNING! While extracting high temperature oils, keep hands, face and body protected using suitable personal protective
equipment (PPE).
do noT Extract caustic or flammable products.
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the working area.
WarninG! ensure correct air pressure is maintained and not exceeded.
Keep air hose away from heat, oil and sharp edges. check air hose for wear before each use, and ensure that all connections are secure.
do noT use the drainer for any purpose other than that for which it is designed.
do noT operate the drainer if any parts are damaged or missing as this may cause failure and/or personal injury.
do noT stand on the drainer.
do noT adjust or tamper with the safety valve.
do noT move the drainer by the hose, or yank the hose from the air supply.
do noT place attachments close to your face (especially eyes, ears, etc.) and do not point hose at other persons or animals.
do noT allow untrained persons to operate the drainer.
do noT operate the drainer when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
do noT leave the drainer operating unattended.
do noT direct air from the air hose at yourself or others.
When not in use disconnect from the air supply, vent reservoir and store in a safe, dry, childproof area.
Dispose of waste oil in accordance with local authority regulations.
WARNING! DO NOT pollute the environment by allowing uncontrolled discharge of waste oil.
danGer! do noT release drain pan clamp lever when there is pressure in the reservoir as pipe and drain pan will be propelled
upward with force. This could result in damage and/or serious injury.
2.1.1. steel fabricated 110ltr reservoir. Height adjustable steel drain pan, fitted with filter, and gravity feed reservoir with air discharge hose.
fitted with reservoir oil level indicator tube. Heavy-duty wheels and castors for easy mobility.
2. inTrodUCTion
3. aSSeMblY
3.1.1. connect the ball valve (fig.1.1) to the drain basin and tighten it with a suitable wrench.
3.1.2. Insert the assembled group into the resevoir tank and tighten the ring sleeve (fig.2.1). Adjust the height and lock in position using the
hand wheel (fig.2.2).
3.1.3. Attach the hose with the ball valve adaptor (fig.3.1) to the base of the resevoir tank.
Original Language Version
AK458DX.V4 Issue: 2 - 09/07/12