Maintenance, Fig.6, Fig.7 fig.8 – Sealey SAC3153B User Manual
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5.1. oPerAtIons to Be cArrIed out After tHe fIrst
5 WorKIng Hours:
a) check that all bolts/nuts are tight, particularly those
retaining the crank case and cylinder head.
5.2. oPerAtIons to Be cArrIed out After tHe fIrst
50 WorKIng Hours:
b) replace the lubricating oil - see para 5.5.
oPerAtIons to Be cArrIed out dAIlY:
a) drain condensation by opening the valve located under
the tank (fig.6). Place a container under the valve and slowly
open the valve by turning counterclockwise.
5.4. oPerAtIons to Be cArrIed out eVerY 100 Hours
(or more frequently, if the compressor operates in a very
dusty atmosphere)
a) check oil level and, if necessary, top up.
b) remove the filter elements (see fig.7) and clean with
compressed air (wear eye protection).
dO NOT operate the
compressor without the filters as foreign bodies or dust could
seriously damage the pump.
c) check for oil leaks.
In order to keep the compressor in good working condition,
periodic maintenance is essential.
WARNiNG! Before performing any maintenance
operation, switch off the compressor, disconnect from
electricity supply and release all air from the tank.
iMPORTANT! Failure to carry out maintenance tasks may
invalidate the warranty on your compressor.
drain valve underside
of receiver, ensure
shut on start up (4.3)
and drain daily (5.3.)
5.5. oPerAtIons to Be cArrIed out eVerY 200 Hours:
a) replace the lubricating oil. for oil specifications see 5.7.
remove the oil filler plug (see fig.4.B) then unscrew oil drain
plug (see fig.4) and drain the oil into a container.
drain when the compressor is hot so that oil drains rapidly
and completely. Incline compressor to ensure complete
replace oil drain plug and refill through the oil filler
aperture. do not overfill. replace oil filler plug.
b) Check the automatic cut-out at max. pressure and the
automatic cut-in at 2bar below.
WARNiNG! Never mix different oils and dO NOT use
non-detergent/low quality oils as the compressor may be
WARNiNG! dispose of waste oil only in accordance with
local authority requirements.
oPerAtIons to Be cArrIed out eVerY 500 Hours:
a) replace air filter. (see fig.7)
b) check all tube fittings and electrical connections.
recommended oils;
recommended oil for compressors, suitable for room
temperatures ranging from +5°c to +25°c.
seAleY cPo or equivalent sAe 40 compressor oil. room
temperature below +5°c: sAe 20 compressor oil.
iMPORTANT WARNiNG - Air contaminants taken into the
compressor will affect optimum performance. example: Body
filler dust or paint overspray will clog the pump intake filter
and may cause internal damage to pump/motor components.
Please note that any parts damaged by any type of
contamination will not be covered by warranty.
inspection of pressure tank both inside and out.
under the Pressure sYstems sAfetY regulAtIons
2000 it is the responsibility of the owner of the compressor to
initiate a system of inspection that both defines the frequency
of the inspection and appoints a person who has specific
responsibility for carrying out the inspection.
Axle bolt
Plain washer.
Plain washer/
spring washer/
receiver leg
spring washer/
Pneumatic wheel
receiver leg
swivel castor
Original Language Version
sAc3153B/sAc3203B Issue no: 1 - 01/06/13
© Jack sealey limited 2013