Sealey CRM10 User Manual
Cable reel systems retractable 2 x 230v socket, Instructions for, Model no's

Model No:
Power Wound/Unwound:
Cable Length:
Cable Size:
3 x 1.5mm²
3 x 1.5mm²
Thermal Cut-out:
Cable Reel SySteMS
RetRaCtable 2 x 230V SoCket
MODEL no's:
CRM10.V5 & CRM15.V5
Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions
and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
1. SaFety INStRUCtIoNS
IMPORTANT: PleaSe ReaD tHeSe INStRUCtIoNS CaReFUlly. Note tHe SaFe oPeRatIoNal ReQUIReMeNtS, WaRNINGS & CaUtIoNS.
USe tHe PRoDUCt CoRReCtly aND WItH CaRe FoR tHe PURPoSe FoR WHICH It IS INteNDeD. FaIlURe to Do So May CaUSe
DaMaGe aND/oR PeRSoNal INJURy aND WIll INValIDate tHe WaRRaNty. PleaSe keeP INStRUCtIoNS SaFe FoR FUtURe USe.
eleCtRICal SaFety
WaRNING! It is the user’s responsibility to read, understand and comply with the following:
You must check all electrical equipment and appliances to ensure they are safe before using. You must inspect power supply leads, plugs and
all electrical connections for wear and damage. You must ensure the risk of electric shock is minimised by the installation of appropriate safety
devices. An rCCB (residual Current Circuit Breaker) should be incorporated in the main distribution board. We also recommend that an rCD
(residual Current Device) is used with all electrical products. It is particularly important to use an rCD with portable products that are plugged
into an electrical supply not protected by an rCCB. If in doubt consult a qualified electrician. You may obtain a residual Current Device by
contacting your Sealey dealer. You must also read and understand the following instructions concerning electrical safety.
1.1.1. The Electricity At Work Act 1989 requires all portable electrical appliances, if used on business premises, to be tested by a qualified
electrician, using a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT), at least once a year.
1.1.2. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 makes owners of electrical appliances responsible for the safe condition of the appliance
and the safety of the appliance operator. If in any doubt about electrical safety, contact a qualified electrician.
1.1.3. Ensure the insulation on all cables and the product itself is safe before connecting to the mains power
supply. See 1.1.1. & 1.1.2. above and use a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT).
1.1.4. Ensure that cables are always protected against short circuit and overload.
1.1.5. regularly inspect power supply, leads, plugs for wear and damage and all electrical connections
to ensure that none are loose.
1.1.6. Important: Ensure that the product voltage matches the power supply to be used.
Do Not pull power plugs from sockets by the power cable.
Do Not use worn or damaged leads, plugs or connections. Immediately replace or have
repaired by a qualified electrician. A U.K. 3 pin plug with ASTA/BS approval is fitted. In
case of damage, remove and fit a new plug according to the following instructions (discard old
plug safely).
(UK only - see diagram at right). Ensure the unit is correctly earthed via a three-pin plug.
a) Connect the gREEN/YEllOW earth wire to the earth terminal ‘E’.
b) Connect the bROWN live wire to live terminal ‘l’.
c) Connect the bluE neutral wire to the neutral terminal ‘N’.
d) After wiring, check that there are no bare wires, that all wires have been correctly
connected, that cable outer insulation extends beyond the cable restraint and that the restraint is tight.
Yellow & green
Earth wire
CRM10.V5 - 13aMP
CRM15.V5 - 13aMP
1.2. GeNeRal SaFety
familiarise yourself with the application and limitations of the reel, as well as the specific hazards.
WaRNING! Isolate the reel from the electrical supply before connecting or disconnecting equipment, servicing or performing any
Maintain the
reel in good condition (use an authorised service agent).
replace or repair damaged parts. Use recommended parts only. Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the
Locate and fix the reel in a suitable work area. Do not position in direct sunlight, or in areas of extreme heat or cold.
Keep extended cable away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Check cables for wear before each use and ensure all connections are
Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip shoes.
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the work area.
Do Not use the reel for any purpose other than that for which it is designed.
Do Not operate the reel when you are tired, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
When not in use, switch off the electrical supply and retract cable into case.
WaRNING! DO NOT dismantle the reel casing, or attempt to remove the screws on the sides. To do so may result in damage to the
reel and/or personal injury and will invalidate the warranty. Internal maintenance, which will require the opening of the casing, must
only be undertaken by an authorised service agent.
CrM10.V5, CrM15.V5 Issue no: 1 - 04/01/12
Original Language Version